The Walking Section
has regular well-attended outings during the year.
The convener is Brian Kitching who may be contacted on 01738 625691 or brian.kitching@zen.co.uk
The Fishing Section
fishes during the season for both trout and salmon on loch and river.
The convenor is John McEwan who may be contacted on 01738 625500 or mounttaborhouse@hotmail.com
The Clay Target Shooting Section
holds monthly Clay shoots for experienced and novice shooters alike. There is a handicap based competition and some inter-club shoots each year. There are facilities for secure gun storage for the convenience of members and guests whilst on the club premises. Contact Jeremy Corke on 01764 671169 or jeremy.corke635@btinternet.com
The Golf Section
arranges club competitions and matches against various clubs and societies, particulars of which are set out in the Golf page. John Jenkins is the golf convenor. He can be contacted by phone on 01738 445597 or by email at johnalexanderjenkins @gmail.com
The Curling Section
has matches over the winter.
Bill Duncan is the convenor and may be contacted on 01738 441686 or wrlduncan@virginmedia.com
The Snooker Section
has an annual competition amongst members, but the main focus is on bounce games throughout the year.
Donald McDonald is convenor and may be contacted on 01738 626773 or donaldpmcd19@gmail.com